Friday, May 22, 2020

Essay on Gender and Inequality in Australia - 1905 Words

Gender inequality and other forms of discrimination are concerning and ongoing issues faced within multiple modern workplaces worldwide, including Australia. Although many managers and individuals in Australia are aware that discrimination is unlawful, reiterated by Federal Laws and expectations benchmarked by the Human Rights Commision in the Equal Opportunity Act 2010, which aims to ensure fair employment opportunities for all, discrimination is still present within workplaces, including the Australia New Zealand Bank, ANZ. The ANZ Bank Corporation is a publicly listed company and was incorporated on the 14th of July 1977 in Australia. ANZ have around 8 million customers worldwide and employ over 48,000 people around the world.†¦show more content†¦(TEXTBOOK REFERENCE -DEFINITION) In April, 2012, A singaporean citizen, former project manager of the ANZ Bank in Singapore, who possessed a performance rating of 2, placing him in the top 15% of employees, was made redundant from his position as senior project manager. The former employee was mislead to believe by ANZ Bank’s management that his position was no longer required, as there was â€Å"not enough money in the program† for his position to be continued. Within a few weeks, the former employee was made aware of the deceit and racial discrimination performed by the ANZ when he was informed by a former colleague that within a few weeks, management had tried to recruit another project manager from Australia and bring him to Singapore to do the former employee’s exact role. This not only occured once to this employee, but twice he was made redundant and replaced by Australian New Zealand employees who were â€Å"absorbed† into the Singapore workplace. This report made by the former employee is blatant racial discrimination performed by the ANZ Bank Group Ltd. Alan J. Tomkins stated in his Article Issue Behavioural Science the Law that ‘discrimination on the basis o f race continues to flourish in this last decade of the 20th century’. ‘Racial discrimination adversely affect economic opportunities, pay, health and the self-esteem ofShow MoreRelatedGender Inequality In Australia Essay1622 Words   |  7 Pagesdominant partner, who belongs primarily to the public sphere. These historic gender norms have been deeply imbedded within Australia’s social foundation, and although society has gradually shifted away from these roles, evidence suggests that this gender inequality still riddles the modern day workplace. 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